Designer Trade Programs: Take Your Interior Designs to the Next Level

Being an interior designer comes with a lot of responsibility to satisfy client needs. From helping new homeowners to working with large corporations, designers are constantly creating pleasing aesthetics and developing spaces that are both functional and attractive. Inevitably, furniture style and placement is a huge part of any interior design process. As such, designers will often look to using trade programs for personalized benefits.
The best trade programs are developed with those that need them most in mind, including interior decorators, architects, and set designers. These programs make buying processes much easier by providing competitive pricing for all types of professionals working within the world of interior design. The aim is to make the purchasing part of the job as stress-free as possible, so designers can focus on what they do best — designing.
With all that in mind,’s FCA Collection Designer Trade Program has been developed specifically for Canadians working across a wide spectrum of interior design professions. Members of the program enjoy preferential designer trade discounts, monthly commission incentives and personalized order support.
Signing up is as easy as applying for a membership, confirming your personal trade discount code, and getting started on finding those perfect items for your clients.
Becoming a member of the FCA Collection Designer Trade Program lets you earn up to 2% commission each month on regular priced FCA Collection purchases totaling $5,000 CAD or more.
So explore the FCA Collection, apply to join the Designer Trade Program, and get inspired to start creating those dream aesthetics and unique spaces for your clients. You’ll be taking your business to the next level in no time.