How to Take Care of a White Leather Sofa

How to Take Care of a White Leather Sofa
A white leather sofa can easily be the centerpiece of a room thanks to their attention-grabbing look. Unfortunately, as with all white things, it can easily get dirty and will show stains than other colours. Don't let this deter you away from these stunning pieces though, because we're going to tell you how you can clean your white leather sofa properly and prevent stains from sticking.
Remove Dust
The first step to take in cleaning your white leather sofa is also one of the simplest: dusting. It will probably shock you how much of a difference a good dusting can make in renewing the vibrancy of your leather sofa. To remove the dust just use a porous feather duster which will lift all of the small particles from the leather fabric. Any larger debris which can be removed by hand should be as well. Sometimes this is all that is needed to take years off of the look of the sofaes age. If you have sectional sofas be sure to get in between the cracks of the sofa as well.
Use a Dry Towel
If you spill on your sofa make sure that it is dealt with immediately because the longer the stain sits, the harder it will be to get out. Needless to say, this will ruin the visual impact the sofa holds and nobody wants to figure out what to do with a stained one. The instant this happens grab a dry paper towel to soak up the liquid and wipe any of the remaining substance away. Sometimes adding other liquids immediately will only worsen the stain. This is especially true for oil-based substances, so always use a try towel first. After this is done you can try other methods for stain removal.
Try a Magic Eraser
Magic erasers are one of the best-kept secrets when it comes to cleaning leather. Thanks to the ingredients used in these little wonders, stains will be cut straight through while leaving the leather itself undamaged. Magic erasers can greatly reduce the time you spend on cleaning the leather regardless of whether they are stains or simply marks and scuffs, so it's a good idea to give these a try before using any other substance or cleaning agent. You can purchase them at grocery markets, convenience stores, and other large retailers. Just add them to your grocery list and spend 15 minutes giving your sofa a light scrub and watch the marks disappear.
Soap and Water for Grease Stains
Grease stains are notorious little beasts. They are famous for being difficult to get rid of, and ruining a good number of garments and upholstery in the past. If you happen to find yourself in a predicament with a grease stain on your white leather sofa your first line of defense is Dawn dish soap. It's a soft soap that is made with grease in mind. To use it, dilute a tablespoon of Dawn in a cup of water, ideally in a spray bottle. Spray the stain directly and let it sit for a couple minutes. Next take a gentle cloth and wipe away the mixture. Repeat this a couple times to wear down the grease stain.
Use a Toothbrush for Detailing
Stains don't just happen on the flat surfaces, they can run into those difficult to reach areas like seams and lining. Most clothes won't properly clean all of these nooks and crannies, so this is where you have to get creative. A good way to reach these spots is to use a toothbrush. After all, they're made for cleaning small areas and cracks. Just be sure to use a soft-bristled one which hasn't been used before.
Leather Conditioner
One of the best defenses against stains is prevention. Anyone with a leather sofa should invest in a special leather conditioner. Not only does it make the leather more durable and long-lasting, but it can also help prevent stains. The conditioner itself creates a layer between potential stains and the fabric which makes them more difficult to stick to the material. This becomes even more important with lighter coloured leathers like tan and white. Marks are far more visible on these tones and no one wants to sit on a cushion with a questionable-looking stain.
Cleaning a white leather sofa may require some work, but it will all be worth it in the end when you see the finished product. Your home will stand out from all of your friends' while, also offering the room you always wanted. So next time you need to clean your white leather sofa, just take out this guide to help you get through the process a little faster.
- Tags: Advice Living Room Sofas