Boxing Day Furniture & Decor Sale 2021
Looking for Boxing Day Deals? Our Boxing Day Pre-Sale begins December 19th, online only at Enjoy amazing savings sitewide, with new items added daily.
Find everything you want to create your dream home and get Free Delivery on thousands of items. Plus, you can shop with confidence thanks to our Price Match Promise and Satisfaction Guarantee.
![Boxing Day Pre-Sale Coming Soon](
Boxing Day Questions Answered
Q When is Boxing Day in 2021?
A Boxing Day is December 26th, however the Boxing Day Pre-Sale starts December 19th, so why wait?
Q What will be on sale?
A Boxing Day deals will include amazing prices on items from every department, including living room furniture, bedding, home decor and more.
Q When will my items be delivered?
A You can see the estimated delivery date on the product page of most items. Just ensure your postal code is correct at the top of the page so you are seeing the accurate date for your area.
Q What is your return policy for Boxing Day?
A We offer a satisfaction guarantee which allows you to return or exchange many products if you are not completely satisfied. Click Here for the complete policy details.
Q What if the price drops on my order or I find a lower price somewhere else?
A With our Price Match Promise, you can shop with confidence. If within 30 days of delivery you should find the same brand and model currently advertised online at or by a Canadian competitor at a lower price, we will refund you the difference.*Click Here for the complete policy details.
Sign up for our mailing list to see all the Boxing Day Deals as they happen.